Riot Games Plans Third International League of Legends Tournament for 2025

Sheep Esports has announced that Riot Games intends to incorporate a third international tournament into the League of Legends esports schedule for 2025. This event is anticipated to occur between the Winter and Spring Splits and will include representation from each major region. Given that the LEC currently holds a Winter Split, the addition of this new tournament suggests that other leagues may need to transition to a three-split structure as well.

While there have been prior discussions about this change, with some speculating it would happen in 2024, the actual implementation did not occur. However, Riot did introduce another international event, the Esports World Cup, though it is not directly affiliated with Riot’s circuit.

The introduction of this third significant LAN event will necessitate adjustments to the timing of MSI and Worlds. With the new event slated for March or April, MSI may be rescheduled for June or July. While Worlds could potentially commence in October or later.

Riot appears to be seeking ways to elevate the stakes of League esports by increasing the number of high-stakes international matches, potentially reducing the emphasis on prolonged regular season play. Updates regarding the competitive League schedule for 2025 are expected in June, with significant format changes also anticipated for Riot’s other major esports title, Valorant.

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