Caedrel Criticizes Bwipo’s Harsh Comments Ahead of Worlds 2024

Gabriël ‘Bwipo’ Rau has been openly criticizing other pro players during his boot camp streams for Worlds 2024 and Marc Robert ‘Caedrel’ Lamont believes his comments are overly harsh. While Caedrel acknowledges there is room to critique Western players, especially given the LEC and LCS’ international performances, he takes issue with Bwipo’s approach.

Initially, Caedrel found Bwipo’s comments to be entertaining, even though they were condescending. But recently, he feels Bwipo has crossed a line. “At first, it was funny content, he was being very condescending but getting his point across and helping people. But now he’s just an a**hole. What is he even saying?” Caedrel remarked on stream.

Since starting his boot camp streams, Bwipo has criticized players like Vincent ‘Vetheo’ Berrié, Kim ‘Chasy’ Dong-hyeon, Kyeong ‘Photon’ Gyu-tae, and Marek ‘Humanoid’ Brázda. Focusing on their performance and team dynamics.

Caedrel argues that the way Bwipo is handling the situation has created a negative buzz in the community. “Where’s the professionalism? Why go public with private conversations and flame people so harshly? Some things should stay private. It’s so childish,” Caedrel added.

Bwipo is clearly confident in his abilities, which he highlighted in a 2024 interview, and his performance this year has largely backed that up, despite FlyQuest’s struggles at MSI.

However, Caedrel believes Bwipo’s behavior has gone too far. “I respect him as a player and his knowledge of the game, but I have no respect for how he talks to people or the ego he carries. He acts like everyone else is beneath him,” Caedrel said.

Bwipo has apologized to Adam ‘Jackies’ Jeřábek after a heated argument, but his intense criticism of other pros has sparked a larger conversation, and he will have to prove himself when Worlds 2024 begins.

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