Portugal’s World Cup Preparation Intensifies: Insights from Eduardo Sousa

Portugal is accelerating its preparations for the 2024 World Cup, holding another double training session this Tuesday in Viseu, the chosen location for fine-tuning details ahead of the competition.

In an interview with the Portuguese Football Federation, Eduardo Sousa reflected on the recent progress and commended the team’s efforts. “These have been positive days. We all arrived in good physical condition and are on the right path. The past two weeks have been very intense. There’s physical exhaustion, but it will all be worthwhile. Our goals are clear, and the group is very focused,” he began.

“We’re set to face a variety of teams in our preparation, much like those we’ll encounter at the World Cup. We’ll face teams that play with more freedom and flair, like Angola, as well as those that are more tactical or physically imposing, like Ukraine. Playing against such teams helps us refine our details and apply our training,” he added, before speaking about his teammates.

“The three of us share a fantastic relationship. It’s been that way since I joined the national team, whether it’s with André Sousa, Bebé, or Vítor Hugo. They’ve always instilled these values in me. There’s no rivalry among us, just a healthy spirit, which I try to pass on to them as well, given that they’ve been here for a shorter time,” he concluded.

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