Cloud9 Coach Mithy Parts Ways: Super Team’s Struggles Continue

Mithy has been working with Cloud9 for years. He parted ways with the organization after a performance that fell far short of the expectations placed on this super team roster.

Cloud9 is yet another “super team” cursed by the expectations that accompany signing some of the very best players all at once. Despite finishing third in the playoffs, they missed MSI 2024, which was not the desired outcome.

Now, after over two years on and off as Cloud9’s coach, Mithy is stepping away from the team.

“It hurts me to announce that C9 and I have parted ways. While the team failed to meet its expectations, I have nothing but love and respect for the organization and its players,” he said in parting.

As for the expectations he referred to, the signing of former LCS MVP jojopyun along with Berserker promised a carry duo that could dominate the region. Along with bringing back Vulcan while retaining Blaber and Fudge. This team was at the top of many fan and analyst power rankings at the start of the year.

Anything other than winning it all wasn’t good enough for this roster in the eyes of most, apparently including Mithy. Although the way they lost 3-0 to FlyQuest and then 3-0 again to Team Liquid didn’t exactly inspire confidence in the team, even though finishing third is strong on paper.

Considering the behind-the-scenes footage from Cloud9’s team showing Berserker punching walls and slamming doors, tensions were clearly high within the team. It’s not surprising to see something change, nor would it be a stretch for more team members to get cut.

As Cloud9 themselves put it, “Expect the unexpected.”

With jojopyun allegedly receiving offers to play in the LCK because of his strength as a player, C9 justifying a run back in Summer with this roster seems unlikely. However, there’s a chance they will change their coaching staff and try to find a way to make this team mesh.

That said, it isn’t yet clear who Cloud9 will sign to coach their team instead, regardless of what the roster ends up being. Although it’s probably safe to rule out LS.

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