Sporting’s Public Response: Upholding Values, Condemning Controversies, and Supporting Freedom of Expression

Sporting went public to address the controversies that marked the final stretch of the League Cup final against Benfica. As well as the bullying from a professional zero-zero in the post-match press conference carried out by the Eagles’ coaching team.

In the text, the lions emphasize the “law of values” by which they are governed to repudiate the Reds, in the stance adopted in response to Taynan’s attitude: “We will always be the first to point out any act that does not respect the code of fair play that we impose on ourselves. Regardless of its origin or even if it is a reaction to a lack of fair play. As was the case yesterday with athlete Taynan’s thoughtless attitude, which he himself has already recognized.

Regarding the incident at the end of the press conference, the Alvalade emblem stressed: “the inalienable respect for freedom of expression”. Expressing solidarity with “all journalists who continue to be coerced in the exercise of their duties.”

Remember that, at the end of the match that ended with Sporting’s triumph, Benfica demanded a replay of the decisive match via a statement. Promising to take the case “to the last consequences” after the Sporting player entered the field to interrupt a move by his old rival.

Taynan, the Kazakh international at the origin of the controversy, also retracted his attitude via social media: “I know that at Sporting CP, the law of values is above any other law. Opponent’s lack of fair play does not legitimize my reaction. Sporting CP has a moral code, and for that reason, I apologize to all sports fans for my impulsive attitude yesterday.

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