Crowd says goodbye to Jozi Oliveira

“Several circumstances arose for me to take the step of leaving for Italy, but especially [due to] mental fatigue. I didn’t quite feel like myself, [unable] to be happy with things that were happening. The alarm went off. I started to wonder why I was going to train, and I realized that I had to redo my plans and look for a new path.

When I went with the national team to the Copa América in September.

I enjoyed it a lot, but [back] here, I wasn’t feeling [the same]. As a health professional, I cannot preach and then not do [what I preach]. I no longer felt happy, and the possibility of Italy arose, so I took the plunge,” said Jozi Oliveira to ‘La Voz de Galicia’. The Pescados goalkeeper for Rubón Burela, days before saying goodbye to the Burelense fans and heading to Italy. Presumably to the runner-up in the Women’s European Championship, recently held in Burela.

These are words that make us reflect on longevity in sports and mental health. We understand that Jozi Oliveira feels capable of continuing at the highest level in the elite. She does not hide her dreams of being a world champion with Brazil in 2025, but not being able to do so has affected her mental health. As a psychologist, athlete, and person, she has said enough!

Tomorrow, she plays her last game against Ourense OnTime (11:00, Teledeporte, and RTVE Play). A match in which, probably, the least important thing is the result, and what matters is Jozi and those who have followed her during these 14 years. Tears will surely be shed, and, why not, bittersweet feelings.

Of course, Jozi has made it clear that it is only a “See you soon, Burela!” Because the love of the Brazilian for her land and its people will always remain. As an anecdote, the Nords Hotel hung the ‘Sold Out’ sign for its tribute meal tomorrow.

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