Zoee a Down Under story

Talent is found, unearthed, and unquestionably not built. Often it is tracked down by accident while looking for something else. More often it is not recognized, it is looked upon, and eventually when it explodes, it does so in deniers’ faces.

Zoee, it has two “e’s” in her name since it is a kind of a family trend. However, if among your brothers n sisters you have Aaron, Renee, and Bree, everything seems to make sense. Even her name.

Talking about Zoee, you have to look far. Really far. All the way to Perth, on Australia’s west coast. On the other side of the world, literally. In one of those places where the horizon never stops, the sky is so blue that you almost forget about the green surrounding it.

It always takes a while to get used to seeing the clouds roll by so far into the horizon. This, after all, is not just a story of stops, pisada and technical prowess that by chance ends you on futsal field. Since soccer season is over, so why not give it a try?

If they, though, were just about a technical skill, five-a-side soccer and sport results, they would be too common to be unique. They would be so ordinary almost to the point of boring. It is also a story of courage, Zoee’s courage. So much courage that one would wonder how such a slender body could hold it all.

There is a time to shine when you step up without you even noticing it. In the tournament against the national teams of Thailand, Indonesia, and Myanmar, it happened. Now it is tremendously clear that Zoee’s talent needs a place to grow further. She needs to go to Europe.

You could say it’s a paradox for Zoee will travel the opposite path, the path that her ancestors took. And she is sort of doing the same. Going away to prove herself.

She will come to Europe to follow her dream, her own dream and leave everything behind. Like family ties, her everyday life and even her big dog, Woody. Italy and Milan. The Kick Off as a destination, a young yet talented team. A different language, different habits. A world apart.

Low one-story houses, driveways with parked cars, a forest all around. All the way to Milan, the fashion’s capital and business center, the high buildings, and the busy people who always seem to be running somewhere.

If you ever had to fill a suitcase, even with your dreams, and leave everything behind, you could understand this. Feel how much courage Zoee has at her 20 even only for few moments.

To be the best you have to play with the best for you will learn from them. Zoee, she chose the path that everyone talks about but few are willing to walk. She chose to feel overwhelmed by events, by doubts, still follow a dream, her own.

She will be packing as much as she can in her suitcas and will catch a flight and land in Italy. It will not be easy. Otherwise, everyone would have walked that path. But trust me, when you will be on the plane alone, all of sudden, the world around you will gain new and different colors. It happens when you throw your heart out to meet your dreams

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